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Hitachi Vantara is a global leader in data management and storage solutions, providing cutting-edge technology to help organizations harness the power of their data. With a focus on innovation and resilience, Hitachi Vantara integrates cybersecurity into their data storage offerings to protect critical information against modern threats.

Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with David Green on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Oct 08, 2024. The discussion revolves around David Green’s success after overcoming challenges at Hitachi. The information shared about Hitachi is derived entirely from this podcast episode.

Resilience in cybersecurity is about preparing for incidents and ensuring business continuity despite challenges.

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David Green is the Chief Technology Officer of Cybersecurity at Hitachi Vantara. With a diverse background spanning medicine, computer science, and banking, David has developed a unique perspective on cybersecurity. His passion for resilience and data protection drives his work, making him a prominent voice in the industry.

Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with David Green on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Oct 08, 2024. The discussion revolves around David Green’s success after overcoming challenges at Hitachi. The information shared about Hitachi is derived entirely from this podcast episode.
Resilience in cybersecurity is about preparing for incidents and ensuring business continuity despite challenges.
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What led you to transition from medicine to a career in computer science and cybersecurity?

I initially pursued medicine but switched to computer science after discovering my passion for programming. This shift led me to a fulfilling career in cybersecurity.

Why is resilience so crucial in cybersecurity, and how can businesses build it?

Resilience ensures businesses can continue operating even during a cyber attack. It involves defining critical operations, preparing incident response plans, and conducting regular practice drills.

How do incident response plans help in managing cybersecurity threats effectively?

Incident response plans outline specific roles and actions during a cyber attack. Regular testing through simulations helps identify weaknesses and improve overall preparedness.

What’s your perspective on integrating cybersecurity with data storage solutions?

With increasing ransomware threats, protecting data integrity and availability is vital. Integrating cybersecurity into data storage ensures that backups remain secure and recoverable.

How do you see your career evolving in the cybersecurity space?

I view each role as a stepping stone. I’m excited to integrate cybersecurity into broader business strategies and aspire to take on higher leadership roles in the future.

What led you to transition from medicine to a career in computer science and cybersecurity?
Why is resilience so crucial in cybersecurity, and how can businesses build it?
How do incident response plans help in managing cybersecurity threats effectively?
What’s your perspective on integrating cybersecurity with data storage solutions?
How do you see your career evolving in the cybersecurity space?
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✅ Resilience in cybersecurity is about preparing for incidents and ensuring business continuity despite challenges.

✅ Effective incident response requires defined roles, responsibilities, and constant practice through simulations and tabletop exercises.

✅ Cybersecurity is evolving to focus on data integrity and availability, with resilience becoming a top priority for businesses.

Episode Summary

In this episode, David Green, CTO of Cybersecurity at Hitachi, discusses his unconventional journey from aspiring neurosurgeon to cybersecurity expert. Initially inspired by Dr. Benjamin Carson, David transitioned into computer science after developing a passion for programming. His career took him through various roles in banking and consulting before he fully immersed himself in the world of cybersecurity.

David emphasizes the importance of resilience in cybersecurity, likening it to how communities prepare for and recover from natural disasters. He explains that organizations must not only protect against cyber threats but also ensure they can continue operating if an attack occurs. This involves building a culture of resilience, documenting incident response plans, and conducting regular drills to improve readiness.

As he transitions to a new role at Hitachi Vantara, David is excited to integrate cybersecurity into data storage solutions. His goal is to help organizations protect their data from threats like ransomware while maintaining its integrity and availability. He believes that while the sky is often seen as the limit, it is merely the starting point for his aspirations in both cybersecurity and beyond.


00:00 Intro

00:48 From Medicine to Computer Science

02:56 The Importance of Resilience

05:33 Cybersecurity Strategies and Playbooks

06:45 Future Aspirations and Final Thoughts

09:52 Connect with David Green