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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Nicholas Loise on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Apr 23, 2023. The discussion revolves around Nicholas Loise’s success after overcoming challenges at Sales Performance Team. The information shared about Sales Performance Team is derived entirely from this podcast episode.

Welcome to another episode of Failing Success. In this episode, Chad Kaleky, host of the show, talks to Nicholas Loise, founder of Sales Performance Team, a company that helps businesses increase their sales and build their sales teams. Nicholas shares his journey of how he got into the business and the challenges that small businesses face in creating a sales process.

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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Nicholas Loise on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Apr 23, 2023. The discussion revolves around Nicholas Loise’s success after overcoming challenges at Sales Performance Team. The information shared about Sales Performance Team is derived entirely from this podcast episode.
Welcome to another episode of Failing Success. In this episode, Chad Kaleky, host of the show, talks to Nicholas Loise, founder of Sales Performance Team, a company that helps businesses increase their sales and build their sales teams. Nicholas shares his journey of how he got into the business and the challenges that small businesses face in creating a sales process.
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Welcome to another episode of Failing Success. In this episode, Chad Kaleky, host of the show, talks to Nicholas Loise, founder of Sales Performance Team, a company that helps businesses increase their sales and build their sales teams. Nicholas shares his journey of how he got into the business and the challenges that small businesses face in creating a sales process.

Nicholas talks about how he started teaching entrepreneurs and small business owners how to increase their marketing and subsequently increase their sales. But he saw that they all struggled with implementing a sales team or a sales process. So he created workshops to teach them how to create a sales program, including how to create a sales process, hire salespeople, manage salespeople, and create KPIs. This led to the creation of Sales Performance Team, which he launched four years ago.

Chad and Nicholas also discuss the importance of having a sales playbook, a proven and repeatable sales process. Every small business owner needs to have one so that they are not beholden to a sales team or a salesperson. Having a sales playbook not only increases a business's valuation but also puts potential owners at ease. Nicholas emphasizes that it's mission critical for entrepreneurs to put a proven and repeatable sales process in place if they want to grow their business.

In this episode, listeners will learn about the importance of having a sales team or salesperson for businesses to scale above a million dollars in sales. Nicholas also provides insights into how businesses can create a sales process and set up their sales team for success. Tune in to this episode of Failing Success to learn more about how you can improve your sales process and increase your sales.


00:00:00 Intro

00:02:21 Importance of a Sales Playbook

00:04:49 Ideal Customer Profiles

00:06:48 Obstacles Along the Way

00:08:07 Profit First

00:11:20 Contact Nicholas