Vella Ventures

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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Roy Vella on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Dec 10, 2023. The discussion revolves around Roy Vella’s success after overcoming challenges at Vella Ventures. The information shared about Vella Ventures is derived entirely from this podcast episode.

Diverse Ventures and Adaptability: Roy's diverse roles, from launching new lines of business at PayPal to consulting and public speaking, highlight the power of adaptability. His "machete" approach exemplifies creative problem-solving and seizing opportunities.

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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Roy Vella on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Dec 10, 2023. The discussion revolves around Roy Vella’s success after overcoming challenges at Vella Ventures. The information shared about Vella Ventures is derived entirely from this podcast episode.
Diverse Ventures and Adaptability: Roy's diverse roles, from launching new lines of business at PayPal to consulting and public speaking, highlight the power of adaptability. His "machete" approach exemplifies creative problem-solving and seizing opportunities.
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✅ Career Pivots as Opportunities: Getting laid off from his first job became a pivotal moment for Roy Vella. Embracing the layoff, he transitioned to business school, leading to unforeseen opportunities and personal growth.

✅ Entrepreneurial Resilience: Roy's journey includes founding a FinTech company, facing funding challenges, and eventually achieving a successful acquisition. The ability to navigate ups and downs showcases resilience crucial in entrepreneurship.

✅ Diverse Ventures and Adaptability: Roy's diverse roles, from launching new lines of business at PayPal to consulting and public speaking, highlight the power of adaptability. His "machete" approach exemplifies creative problem-solving and seizing opportunities.

Episode 283 Summary:

Roy Vella, founder of Vella Ventures, shares his career journey from advertising to successful entrepreneurship. A layoff from his first job led to business school and later founding a FinTech company. Roy's adaptability, resilience, and entrepreneurial spirit shine through diverse ventures, including PayPal and consulting.


00:00 Intro

00:15 Roy's Early Career and Layoff Experience

02:20 Transition to Business School and Travels

03:33 First Business Venture and Acquisition

05:07 Joining PayPal and Creating New Lines of Business

06:30 Establishing Vella Ventures

07:23 Building Clientele and Public Speaking

08:54 Returning to the States and Future Opportunities

09:53 Contact Roy

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