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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Rachel Scherl on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Jun 04, 2023. The discussion revolves around Rachel Scherl’s success after overcoming challenges at Spark Solutions for Growth. The information shared about Spark Solutions for Growth is derived entirely from this podcast episode.

On this episode of "Failing to Success", Rachel Braun Scherl, CEO of Spark Solutions for Growth, a company that helps drive top-line revenue growth, shares her story of creative marketing. The company was raising funds for a product that enhances female pleasure, and they had 13 meetings in two days with potential investors. However, they faced challenges because they were two female "first-time" entrepreneurs raising money for a product focused on a taboo topic. The investors seemed uncomfortable, giggling and whispering about their prom dates.

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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Rachel Scherl on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Jun 04, 2023. The discussion revolves around Rachel Scherl’s success after overcoming challenges at Spark Solutions for Growth. The information shared about Spark Solutions for Growth is derived entirely from this podcast episode.
On this episode of "Failing to Success", Rachel Braun Scherl, CEO of Spark Solutions for Growth, a company that helps drive top-line revenue growth, shares her story of creative marketing. The company was raising funds for a product that enhances female pleasure, and they had 13 meetings in two days with potential investors. However, they faced challenges because they were two female "first-time" entrepreneurs raising money for a product focused on a taboo topic. The investors seemed uncomfortable, giggling and whispering about their prom dates.
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On this episode of "Failing to Success", Rachel Braun Scherl, CEO of Spark Solutions for Growth, a company that helps drive top-line revenue growth, shares her story of creative marketing. The company was raising funds for a product that enhances female pleasure, and they had 13 meetings in two days with potential investors. However, they faced challenges because they were two female "first-time" entrepreneurs raising money for a product focused on a taboo topic. The investors seemed uncomfortable, giggling and whispering about their prom dates.

Rachel and her business partner came up with a plan to break the ice and make the investors take them seriously. They offered a $100 bill to anyone who could ask a question they could not answer, make them blush with a joke, or create a new double entendre. This tactic worked, and the investors took them seriously, allowing them to talk about their business plan and make investments.

The story shows the importance of creative marketing strategies and finding ways to make people comfortable discussing taboo topics. It also highlights the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs in male-dominated industries and how they can overcome them with creative thinking and perseverance.



00:00:00 Intro

00:00:22 Creative Capital Raise

00:04:53 The Vagipreneur

00:14:12 Contact Rachel